Registration must take place 30 days before the course begins. The registration fee is due with the registration form.
The complete course fee is the registration fee and the course fee.
The course fee is due 30 days before the course begins.
Please use the following bank account: BLZ: 76050101 BIC: SSKNDE77 - IBAN DE77760501010005525126
If the course is cancelled by the Academy, or if the participant cancels more than 30 days before the course begins, the course fee will be completely refunded (not the registration fee).
If the participant cancels up to 14 days before the course begins, 50% of the course fee will be refunded. If the participant cancels less than 14 days before the course begins, the complete
course fee is due.
The course fee includes an evening meal on the first day and lunch on all of the other course days, also for passive participants.
The participant agrees that photos and recordings from the course can be used for advertising purposes.
In the event that an course must be shortened in the middle due to illness or pandemic regulations, the Opera Academy will make every attempt to reschedule. If a participant cannot attend the
rescheduled course, no refund will be made.