I am very happy to present in 2022 a wide variety of master classes and Workshop, all designed to support and further the education of singers. You can find the new course program here on
this website.
Are you already following the Academy on Facebook and instagram? Then you will be among the first to know all the news! I would be very pleased to welcome you to a course (or several)
hier in the Castle Henfenfeld, located very close to Nuremberg and Bayreuth.
The Castle Henfenfeld is well known as an "oasis" for singers, regardless of the current level. It is a place of inspiration and relaxation, for working together, trading experiences
and ideas and, most of all, a place for music and the voice.
Here at the Academy you improve your technique, make contacts and new friends. Don't hesitate to sign up today for your favorite course or teacher: if you have question, please contact us. We are looking forward to a year full of music!
Denette Whitter
Artistic Director
Am 16.3.1530 kaufte Martin I. Pfinzing die Kleinadelsburg. Eingebettet in das Tal der Pegnitz nördlich von Nürnberg, lädt sie mit ihren romantischen rot-weiss gestreiften Fensterläden und Holztüren zum Verweilen ein. Ob Konzert oder Feier, standesamtliche Trauung, gastronomisches Erlebnis oder Spaziergang durch den Rosengarten, – wir laden Sie herzlichst auf einen Besuch ein. Wenn Sie Interesse haben Räume im Schloss zu mieten, zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren. Wir stellen gerne für Sie ein Angebot zusammen.